Post by Admin on Aug 18, 2021 20:42:49 GMT
Results Population Structure and Admixture We first investigated the relationship between individuals by PCA. Figure 1A shows that the first two principal components (PCs) separates the Andamanese, Malaysian Negritos and Philippine Negritos into distinct clusters. If Papuans and Melanesians were included (supplementary fig. S4A, Supplementary Material online), the Philippine Negritos were located between the Papuans and Malaysian Negritos along PC2. When the Andamanese individuals were omitted, PC1 separates the Aeta, Agta, and Batak from the other populations whereas PC2 separates the Mamanwa and Jehai from other groups (fig. 1B). The Agta, Aeta, and Batak individuals form a comet-like pattern along PC1, which may indicate admixture events. Similarly, the Mamanwa also showed the comet-like pattern along PC2. The PCA plot without Agta and Aeta (supplementary fig. S4B, Supplementary Material online) places the Batak close to the non-Negrito Philippine groups, suggesting a high proportion of admixture. The Manobo and Mamanwa, both living in northern Mindanao, have a high affinity as several Manobo individuals clustered with the Mamanwa (fig. 1B and supplementary fig. S4B, Supplementary Material online). FIG. 1. Principal component analysis plot of (A) Andamanese (Jarawa and Onge), Malaysian Negritos (Batek, Jehai, and Kintak), and Philippine Negritos (Aeta, Agta, Mamanwa, and Batak) with non-Negrito Southeast Asians; (B) Malaysian and Philippine populations. Mly-NN, Malaysian non-Negritos (Temuan and Bidayuh); Phil-NN, Philippine non-Negritos (Tagalog and Visayan; Manobo was treated separately). The results of ADMIXTURE analysis from k = 2–7 are shown in figure 2. The cross-validation error assuming k = 1 to k = 9 number of clusters shows that k = 7 has the lowest error (supplementary fig. S5, Supplementary Material online). The orange-colored component is highest in the Austronesian-speaking non-Negrito groups, with varying proportions in the four Philippine Negritos, suggesting admixture. Among the Philippine Negrito groups, the Batak have the highest proportion of this orange component, corresponding well to their close proximity to the non-Negritos in the PCA plot (fig. 1B). From k = 6, the Mamanwa have their own genetic component (white), and at k = 7, the Batek were differentiated from other populations (yellow). These observations suggest that the Mamanwa and Batek have experienced a substantial amount of long-term genetic drift. To verify the presence of admixture, we used the D-statistic (Patterson et al. 2012). The results for D(Philippine Negrito, Andamanese; French, x), are shown in supplementary figure S6 in the Supplementary Material online. A negative Z-score implies gene flow between the Philippine Negritos and population x; highly negative Z-scores were observed for Philippine Negritos and Philippine non-Negritos, suggesting gene flow tended to involve groups that are geographically close. We classified individuals from Aeta, Mamanwa and Manobo groups who have less than 60% of their corresponding ancestral component proportion based on ADMIXURE result at k = 6 as highly admixed. In total, 22 individuals were omitted from subsequent population-based analyses.
Post by Admin on Aug 19, 2021 1:41:34 GMT
FIG. 2. —Results of ADMIXTURE assuming k = 2 to k = 7. Each vertical line represents an individual and the different colors represent various ancestry components. Negrito group labels are indicated in red text. Phylogenetic Relationships To investigate the relationships among Negritos, we constructed a Neighbor-Joining (NJ) tree (fig. 3A). This tree shows that following the split from Europeans, the Papuans/Melanesians, Andamanese, Malaysian, and Philippine Negritos all appear basal to other Southeast and East Asian populations, in that branching order. The Neighbor-Net network in supplementary figure S7 in the Supplementary Material online shows a relatively long split (in blue color) that groups the Andamanese and Malaysian Negritos while a short split (in red color) groups the Andamanese and Philippine Negritos together. There is another split that separates all three groups of Negritos (except Batak) from the remaining populations. These splits suggest some shared genetic components that may not be immediately evident from other methods such as phylogenetic trees or PCA. FIG. 3. (A) Neighbor-joining tree constructed from Nei’s standard genetic distance. (B) Maximum-likelihood tree generated using Treemix, assuming five geneflow events, with only three shown for clarity. Numbers in red and blue text represent average migration weights and bootstrap supports for branches out of 1,000 bootstrap replicates, respectively. Only bootstrap values >50% are shown. The treemix result assuming five gene flow events is shown in figure 3B. For visual clarity, only three gene flow events are shown. The gene flow from Denisovan to Papuan was observed 811 times out of 1,000 bootstrap replicates, and is consistent with previous reports (Reich et al. 2011; Meyer et al. 2012; Malaspinas et al. 2016). Interestingly, a separate gene flow event from Denisovan to some Philippine Negritos (Agta and Aeta) was also inferred. Out of 1,000 bootstrap replicates, this gene flow event was observed 733 times. Assuming the migration weight is analogous to gene flow proportion, the estimated gene flow from Denisovan to Papuan and from Denisovan to Philippine Negritos were 4.6% and 1.4%, respectively. The gene flow event with the highest migration weight was from the Malaysian non-Negritos to the Malaysian Negritos, at 47%. However, it was only observed 69 times out of 1,000 bootstrap replicates. In the remaining bootstrap replicates, the gene flow directions were from various positions along the internal branches of the Southeast/East Asian cluster towards Malaysian Negritos. Other inferred events involved gene flows from the French to Cambodians and from Malaysian Negritos to non-Negrito Southeast Asians and Han Chinese (supplementary fig. S8, Supplementary Material online). The topology of the treemix output was different from the NJ tree which assumed no gene flow (fig. 3A). The low bootstrap probabilities suggest that the treemix tree topology may not be reliable.
Post by Admin on Aug 19, 2021 18:36:24 GMT
Denisovan Introgression We estimated the proportion of the Denisovan ancestry in SEA populations using the f4 ratio test, assuming the tree topology in supplementary figure S2A in the Supplementary Material online. If the positions of Han Chinese and Denisovan are swapped (supplementary fig. S2B, Supplementary Material online), the estimated Denisovan ancestry proportion remains the same, but the Z-scores were very high (supplementary table S3, Supplementary Material online). In either case, our results show that the Papuans have the highest Denisovan genetic component, consistent with a previous result (Meyer et al. 2012). Philippine Negritos also show a substantial proportion of Denisovan components, particularly in the Aeta (fig. 4). We further applied the RD(x) test (Qin and Stoneking 2015) to confirm the presence of Denisovan introgression, taking into account possible Neanderthal introgression (see “Materials and Methods” section). Populations with RD(x) values >1 possibly carry Denisovan ancestry and supplementary figure S9 in the Supplementary Material online shows that the Papuans, Melanesians, and Philippine Negritos (Aeta) may indeed have experienced Denisovan gene flow. FIG. 4. Estimation of Denisovan ancestry in Southeast Asians using the f4 ratio test. Proportion of Denisovan ancestry is represented by colored circles. Phil-NN, Philippine non-Negritos (Tagalog, Visayan, and Manobo). To investigate whether these high proportions of Denisovan ancestry in the Papuans and Aeta were at the same genetic loci, we calculated Denisovan allele sharing within nonoverlapping blocks of 1,000 SNPs. The distribution of those blocks shows that the highest allele sharing with Denisovans was in the Australian Aborigine, followed by Papuan and Aeta (fig. 5A). If only Papuans and Aeta are considered, 45.7% of those blocks are present in both groups, while 40% and 14.3% are found only in Papuans and Aeta, respectively. The distribution of blocks in chromosome 3 is an example of the different patterns of Denisovan allele sharing in Papuans and Aeta (fig. 5B). FIG. 5. (A) Distribution of Denisovan allele-sharing in Papuan, Australian Aborigine, and Aeta (Philippine Negrito) published genome sequences, calculated in 1,000 SNP blocks and (B) Example of Denisovan allele-sharing patterns in chromosome 3 for Papuan and Aeta. Divergence Time Estimates We estimated divergence times using three data sets with different number of SNPs: 110k, 290k and 480k (supplementary table S2, Supplementary Material online) as increasing the number of loci (L) decreases the number of populations for which individuals sampled from the populations have on these L loci. Assuming a generation time of 30 years (Fenner 2005), the pairwise divergence times using three data sets are listed in supplementary table S4 in the Supplementary Material online and the UPGMA tree representing the 480k SNP data is shown in supplementary figure S10 in the Supplementary Material online. The topology of the UPGMA tree is similar to the NJ tree in figure 3A, with the Negritos basal to other Southeast and East Asians. The Negritos diverged from Europeans ∼30–38 ka, whereas the split time of Malaysian and Philippine Negritos was 13–15 ka, depending on the SNP data set used. Shared Genetic Loci among the Negritos In order to investigate shared genetic loci among the Andamanese, Malaysian and Philippine Negritos, we identified SNP loci that have low Fst values among the three Negrito groups, but high Fst values between Negritos and non-Negritos (Han Chinese). Of the 112,845 SNPs, 4,313 met the cutoff values (see “Materials and Methods” section). Of these, 41% are located within genes. The biological processes that are associated with those genes are listed in supplementary table S5 in the Supplementary Material online. Interestingly, some of those genes were associated with certain phenotypes identified from genome-wide association studies. OCA2 and SLC45A2 were associated with skin pigmentation (Stokowski et al. 2007), ACAN and ADAMTS17 with height variation (Wood et al. 2014), and PAX3, PREP, and GRID1 were associated with facial and scalp features (Adhikari et al. 2016). Details of those SNPs are listed in supplementary table S6 in the Supplementary Material online.
Post by Admin on Aug 19, 2021 18:49:28 GMT
Discussion This study presents an encompassing view of early human migrations into Southeast Asia (SEA) by analyzing genomic data of Negrito groups from three geographical regions. Although most of these Negrito groups currently reside in rural and sometimes inaccessible areas, they are far from being genetic isolates, as shown by PCA, ADMIXTURE, and D-statistics analyses. A clear difference was observed between the Mamanwa individuals from this sampling and the ones collected fairly recently (<10 years ago) on the Neighbor-Net network (supplementary fig. S11, Supplementary Material online). Recently sampled Mamanwa were closer to the Manobo, a non-Negrito group. This suggests admixture has been and probably still is occurring between the Mamanwa and Manobo. Alternatively it may imply a bias in sampling of individuals that represent a population. The consequence of this admixture is also reflected in mtDNA and Y-chromosomal diversity of the Philippine Negritos (Delfin et al. 2011, 2014).
An early study in the 1980s based on classic genetic markers hypothesized a dual origin of the Philippine Negrito populations. Genetic distance and phylogenetic analyses indicated that the Mamanwa were distinct from the Aeta and other populations. Together with the fact that the mean stature of Mamanwas was taller than the Aeta, it was postulated that while the Aeta originated from Sundaland, the Mamanwa had roots in Wallacea, south of Mindanao (Omoto 1984). In this study, however, this hypothesis was not substantiated by the genome-wide phylogenetic analyses.
Divergence time estimates using an LD based method yielded similar results even when using different SNP data sets. However, our divergence time estimates might possibly be underestimated. In equations Ne = 1/(4c) * [(1/r2)−2] and T = 2Ne*Fst (24), where Ne is effective population size, c is recombination distance between loci, r2 is the measure of LD, and T is divergence time in generations, the estimate of T decreases with increasing LD (r2). However, large blocks of SNPs in high LD in populations that have experienced extreme genetic drift from severe bottlenecks and/or recent admixture, may lead to an underestimation of T. Indeed our results suggest that Malaysian and Philippine Negritos did experience admixture with their neighboring non-Negrito populations (figs. 1 and 2; supplementary fig. 6, Supplementary Material online). We tried to mitigate the effects of recent admixture by filtering out admixed individuals based on PCA and ADMIXTURE results.
Both our NJ (fig. 3A) and UPGMA (supplementary fig. S10, Supplementary Material online) trees show that after divergence from Europeans, the ancestral Asians subsequently split into Papuans, Negritos and East Asians, implying a one-wave colonization of Asia. This is in agreement with a previous survey using a less dense SNP microarray (HUGO Pan-Asian SNP Consortium 2009) and another study using genome sequences of Andamanese individuals (Mondal et al. 2016). This is in contrast to the study based on whole genome sequences that suggested Australian Aboriginal/Papuan first split from European/East Asians 60 ka, and later Europeans and East Asians diverged 40 ka (Malaspinas et al. 2016). This implies a two-wave migration into Asia (Reich et al. 2011), and other studies using uniparental loci and HLA genes also seem to support that idea (Oppenheimer 2012; Di et al. 2015). Although our results appear to support the single-wave model, care should be taken in interpreting the NJ and UPGMA trees, because they do not assume gene flow after population differentiation. It may be possible that East Asians and Negritos appear close in the phylogenetic tree as a result of a long-term admixture. The method applied in the treemix software (Pickrell and Pritchard 2012) may be suitable for inferring gene flow events within a phylogenetic tree, but the tree topology assuming gene flow has very low bootstrap support (fig. 3B).
We did not observe any direct links between the different Negrito groups and the African Pygmies (Biaka) (fig. 3B and supplementary fig. S12, Supplementary Material online). This is in agreement with previous results (Omoto et al. 1978, 1981; Basu et al. 2015) and suggests that observed morphological similarities among the Negritos and African pygmies are more likely due to convergent evolution. The Neighbor-Net network (supplementary fig. S7, Supplementary Material online) suggests possible common links among all three Negrito groups (except highly admixed Batak in the Palawan Island), which are not obvious in methods like PCA and ADMIXTURE (figs. 1 and 2). Previous SNP analyses suggested a link between the Andamanese and Malaysian Negritos (Chaubey and Endicott 2013; Aghakhanian et al. 2015), but studies that have shown links among all the three Negrito groups are few (Reich et al. 2011). We identified 4,313 SNPs that could probably represent genomic regions that are shared among the common ancestors of the three Negrito groups. Some of these regions may be related to the common phenotypes—such as skin pigmentation, height, and facial morphology—apparent in all Negritos (Stokowski et al. 2007; Wood et al. 2014; Adhikari et al. 2016). These SNPs are also found in IL4 and CDH13 genes which are related to malarial resistance and were candidates for positive selection in the Malaysian Negritos (Liu et al. 2015). These observed patterns may have resulted from natural selection or alternatively via genetic drift, and further analyses are required to confirm or exclude either case.
Previous studies have reported that Papuans, Melanesians, and Australian Aboriginal retain high proportions of Denisovan ancestry, ranging from 3% to 6% (Reich et al. 2011; Meyer et al. 2012; Malaspinas et al. 2016). Here we report that the Aeta have the highest proportion of Denisovan ancestry among the four Philippine Negrito groups but Andamanese and Malaysian Negritos show very low signals (<1%) of Denisovan introgression. To explain these observations, we propose four possible scenarios of Denisovan introgression (supplementary fig. S13, Supplementary Material online). Two scenarios (differing by invoking either a single wave or two waves of migration to Asia) involve a single introgression event occurred in the common ancestor of Papuans and Negritos, followed by parallel losses in Andamanese, Malaysian Negritos and East Asians (supplementary fig. S13A and B, Supplementary Material online). The differences in the distribution of Denisovan blocks between Papuans and Philippine Negritos (fig. 5) may be attributed to genetic drift or subsequent gene flow from populations that initially lacked Denisovan ancestry, such as non-Negrito Austronesian-speaking groups (supplementary fig. S6, Supplementary Material online).
Alternatively, independent episodes of Denisovan admixture may have occurred in Papuan and Philippine Negrito lineages (supplementary fig. S13C and D, Supplementary Material online). If the Denisovan admixture took place in the common ancestor of Papuans and Aeta, it must have occurred after 50 ka, which is our estimate of Papuan-European divergence. Indeed, Malaspinas et al. (2016) estimated that the Denisovan admixture happened 44 ka in the Papuan/Australian Aborigine common ancestor. Although multiple episodes of Denisovan introgression appears to be the most parsimonious model, parallel loss of Denisovan ancestry in multiple lineages could also occur via genetic drift or purifying selection if the Denisovan genetic components are deleterious, as has been argued for Neanderthal introgression (Sankararaman et al. 2014).
In summary, we demonstrated that the Negritos of Andaman Islands, Malay Peninsula, and Philippine Islands represent one of the earliest branches of anatomically modern humans to have reached SEA, befitting the term the “First Sundaland People” instead of “Negritos.” The interactions they had with the environment, the pre-existing archaic humans in the region, and much later with agriculturalist migrants from the Asian mainland have all shaped their current genetic and cultural diversity.
Post by Admin on Aug 20, 2021 20:31:39 GMT
Unravelling the Genetic History of Negritos and Indigenous Populations of Southeast Asia
Farhang Aghakhanian,1 Yushima Yunus,2 Rakesh Naidu,1 Timothy Jinam,3 Andrea Manica,4 Boon Peng Hoh,2 and Maude E. Phipps1,*
Abstract Indigenous populations of Malaysia known as Orang Asli (OA) show huge morphological, anthropological, and linguistic diversity. However, the genetic history of these populations remained obscure. We performed a high-density array genotyping using over 2 million single nucleotide polymorphisms in three major groups of Negrito, Senoi, and Proto-Malay. Structural analyses indicated that although all OA groups are genetically closest to East Asian (EA) populations, they are substantially distinct. We identified a genetic affinity between Andamanese and Malaysian Negritos which may suggest an ancient link between these two groups. We also showed that Senoi and Proto-Malay may be admixtures between Negrito and EA populations. Formal admixture tests provided evidence of gene flow between Austro-Asiatic-speaking OAs and populations from Southeast Asia (SEA) and South China which suggest a widespread presence of these people in SEA before Austronesian expansion. Elevated linkage disequilibrium (LD) and enriched homozygosity found in OAs reflect isolation and bottlenecks experienced. Estimates based on Ne and LD indicated that these populations diverged from East Asians during the late Pleistocene (14.5 to 8 KYA). The continuum in divergence time from Negritos to Senoi and Proto-Malay in combination with ancestral markers provides evidences of multiple waves of migration into SEA starting with the first Out-of-Africa dispersals followed by Early Train and subsequent Austronesian expansions.
Keywords: Negritos, Senoi, Proto-Malay, population genetics, SNPs
Introduction The events and period of prehistoric peopling of Southeast Asia (SEA) have been controversial. Human remains from archeological sites such as Callao Cave in Philippines (Mijares et al. 2010) and Niah Cave in Malaysia (Barker et al. 2007) suggest that SEA was populated by anatomically modern humans approximately 50–70 kilo years ago (KYA). In 2009, a large-scale genome-wide study by the HUGO-Pan Asia consortium showed that all East Asians and Southeast Asians originated from a single wave “Out-of-Africa” via a southern coastal route (HUGO Pan-Asia SNP Consortium 2009). Thereafter, two models have been proposed to explain subsequent migrations involved in shaping todays SEA populations. The Out-of-Taiwan model refers to the Austronesian language expansion that occurred around 5,000–7,000 years before the present. This replaced the pre-existing Australoid people with Austronesian agriculturists (Diamond and Bellwood 2003; Bellwood 2005). In the long period between the first initial Out-of- Africa and the recent “Out-of-Taiwan” migrations, recent genetic studies on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) suggest an Early Train wave of migration during the late Pleistocene to early Holocene (Hill et al. 2006, 2007; Soares et al. 2008; Karafet et al. 2010; Jinam et al. 2012).
The rich ethnological diversity that exists in Peninsular Malaysia provides a great opportunity to study SEA prehistory. The current Malaysian population comprises three major ethnic groups including Malay, Chinese, and Indians. In addition to these groups, Peninsular Malaysia is home to other ethnicities including several minor indigenous communities collectively known as “Orang Asli” (OA) or “Original People.” Making up approximately 0.6% of Malaysian population, OA has been classified into three groups, namely Negrito (Semang), Senoi, and Proto-Malay (aboriginal Malay) based on linguistic, physical, and anthropological characteristics. Each OA group could be further subdivided into six subgroups based on their lifestyle and geographical location.
Malaysian Negritos are Austro-Asiatic (AA) speakers and inhabit in northern parts of Peninsular Malaysia. The tradition of these hunter-gatherers involves northern Aslian dialect of AA language, egalitarianism, and patrilineal descent system. On the basis of their hunter-gathering lifestyle and physical characteristics including their small body size, dark skin pigmentation, cranio-facial morphology, and frizzy hair, Malaysian Negritos traditionally are grouped with other Negrito communities in South Asia and SEA such as Andaman islanders, Mani in Thailand, Philippine Negritos, and other phenotypically similar populations in Papua New Guinea and Australia. These similarities have led to the general idea that all Negrito populations of SEA and Oceania originated from a common ancestral group which entered SEA during the earliest human dispersals into Asia (Endicott 2013). However, genetic studies have provided mixed evidence. Although a genetic affinity between Andaman islanders, Malaysian and Philippine Negritos was detected by some authors (Jinam et al. 2012; Chaubey and Endicott 2013), several mtDNA (Endicott et al. 2003; Thangaraj et al. 2005; Wang et al. 2011), Y chromosome (Delfin et al. 2011; Scholes et al. 2011), and autosomal (HUGO Pan-Asia SNP Consortium 2009) studies indicate that Negrito populations are closer to their neighboring non-Negrito communities.
Senoi, who are AA speakers, make up the largest group among the OA populations. They traditionally practice slash-and-burn farming and their phenotypic features are intermediate between Australoid and Mongoloid people. The origin of the Senoi is obscure; however, based on archeological and limited genetic studies, they have been linked with AA agriculturists from mainland SEA or South China who arrived in Peninsular Malaysia in the mid-Holocene (Hill et al. 2006). Proto-Malays exhibit Mongoloid feature and speak Austronesian dialects. They are taller, fairer, and may have straighter hair. These are the agriculturists and fishermen who are believed to have settled in coastal areas of Malaysia during the Austronesian (out-of-Taiwan) expansion.
Previous studies of these Malaysian populations have relied on relatively small sample sizes and low density genetic markers, limiting the power of the analysis. Here, we provide a more comprehensive insight and better estimate of divergence time for populations in SEA, by leveraging on larger sample sizes on very high-density Illumina HumanOmni 2.5 BeadChip arrays. We first investigated how distinct OAs are from other Asian populations, quantifying genetic structure within the Asian continent. We also examined linkage disequilibrium (LD) decay and runs of homozygosity (ROH) to study population history and consanguinity. Finally, we examined gene flow between OA population and other populations in East Asian (EA) and estimated the divergence time for these populations to elucidate events involved in the peopling of SEA.