Post by Admin on Nov 9, 2024 19:39:29 GMT
Late Eneolithic and EBA The fourth millennium BC signifies a time period of dynamic population interaction and cultural transitions, which are visible in the material culture associated with Maykop traditions. Among the set of Late Eneolithic and EBA Maykop individuals, to which we added 20 new individuals, we confirm three previously defined genetic groups5: Maykop_main, Steppe_Maykop and Steppe_Maykop_outlier1, but also identify three new groups: Late_Steppe_Eneolithic, Late_Steppe_Eneolithic_outlier and Steppe_Maykop_outlier2. The genetic profiles of Maykop_main individuals can be further distinguished as three subgroups: Maykop, Late_Maykop and Maykop_Novosvobodnaya5.
The individuals KST001 and NV3003 (3781–3652 cal BC), labelled as the Late_Steppe_Eneolithic group, fall also on the EHG–CHG cline (Fig. 2a,b). However, we find significantly higher affinity of Late_Steppe_Eneolithic individuals to EHG than Steppe_Eneolithic (Supplementary Table 12), although qpAdm reveals a similar ancestry profile with 52% SJG001 and 48% CHG ancestry (Fig. 2d and Supplementary Table 13). The individuals ZO1002 and ZO1004 (3953–3713 cal BC) are shifted towards the Caucasus cluster in PCA and ADMIXTURE (Fig. 2b and Extended Data Fig. 2), and carry less EHG-related ancestry compared to the Late_Steppe_Eneolithic individuals, and are thus labelled Late_Steppe_Eneolithic_outlier. Using proximal sources, we could model both as a two-way mixture of Caucasus_Eneolithic (55% ± 6.4) and Steppe_Eneolithic (45% ± 6.4) ancestries (Fig. 2d and Supplementary Table 13). Together with the Nalchik and Steppe_Maykop_outlier1 individuals, this reflects gene flow between Eneolithic groups living in the steppe and the Caucasus foothills (Fig. 1b).
The Maykop-associated individuals form a tight third Caucasus Maykop_main cluster, which resembles the preceding Caucasus_Eneolithic individuals, suggesting genetic continuity between these groups (Supplementary Table 12). Two-way mixture models between the preceding Caucaus_Eneolithic and Armenia_C (with C denoting Chalcolithic) or Anatolia_C lack statistical support (P < 0.05), but the addition of Iran_C groups as a third source resulted in well-fitted models for all Maykop_main individuals (Fig. 2d and Supplementary Table 13). Late_Maykop individuals can be modelled with earlier Maykop ancestry as a single, locally preceding source, suggesting that Iran_C-related gene flow had occurred during the early Maykop phase.
The remaining two groups fall along a different genetic cline between West Siberian hunter-gatherers (WSHGs) and Caucasus_Eneolithic individuals. The first group (AY2004, IV3005 and KUG001) from sites in the Pontic–Caspian steppe dates to the Maykop period, but is genetically positioned between Steppe_Eneolithic and individuals from Botai in Central Asia and WSHG east of the Ural Mountains, who carry increased Ancestral North Eurasian (ANE) ancestry (Fig. 2b and Extended Data Fig. 2). As this group shares archaeological features attributed to the Maykop culture, it was originally described as Steppe_Maykop5. We show that WSHG-like ancestry contributes up to 48% to the genetic make-up of Steppe_Maykop individuals, arguing for gene flow from regions further northeast, whereas this component is absent from all other contemporaneous groups in the Caucasus and Steppe clusters (Fig. 2d, Supplementary Tables 10 and 13 and Extended Data Fig. 2).
The last group (n = 6; KUG002-005, IV3010 and AY2001) falls in the space of preceding Steppe_Eneolithic groups (Fig. 2b), but f4-statistics and single-source qpAdm models reject direct population continuity with the preceding Steppe_Eneolithic individuals (Supplementary Tables 12 and 13). However, as this group post-dates the horizon of Maykop and Steppe_Maykop interaction, and three out of four male individuals carry the Y-chromosome haplogroup Q1b-M346 more commonly found in Steppe_Maykop and North Siberian populations, we explored alternative models involving Steppe_Maykop ancestry. This group can indeed be modelled as a two-way mixture of Steppe_Maykop (62 ± 1.6%) and Maykop_Novosvobodnaya (38 ± 1.6%) ancestries, and was consequently labelled Steppe_Maykop_outlier2.
Post by Admin on Nov 10, 2024 20:49:35 GMT
From EBA to MBA We report new genome-wide data from ten individuals associated with the Yamnaya cultural complex that we refer to as Yamnaya_North_Caucasus (Yamnaya_NC; 3300–2800 BC; Supplementary Table 1). They broadly fall on the EHG–CHG cline of the Steppe groups in PC space (Fig. 3a, Extended Data Fig. 1 and Supplementary Table 14), forming a tight cluster with published data from the Black Sea, Samara and North Caucasus regions. f4-statistics confirm their close genetic similarity, albeit with subtle geographic differences. Responding to previous studies that explored the regions of contact between Yamnaya pastoralists and farming groups5,20,21, we tested a series of possible two-way qpAdm models. Using various Steppe groups as the baseline ancestry and Cucuteni–Trypillia and Globular Amphora (CTC-GAC) or Maykop_main individuals as a second ‘farming-associated’ source, only western Ukraine_Yamnaya can be modelled as a two-way mixture of Steppe_Eneolithic and CTC-GAC, whereas these models are rejected for Yamnaya_NC and Yamnaya_Samara individuals (Supplementary Table 15). However, adding Ukraine_Neolithic and Mesolithic as a third source improved the model fit for almost all groups. Thus, we can model Yamnaya_NC as a three-way mixture of the local proximal sources Steppe_Eneolithic, Maykop and Ukraine_Neolithic (Fig. 3c), although models with CTC-GAC as alternative source(s) are also supported. a,b, PCA of newly produced ancient individuals (black outline) and individuals from previous publications (no outline) from the third millennium BC (a), and the second millennium BC (b), projected onto 102 modern-day populations (grey dots). The dashed arrows represent observed mixture clines between the Caucasus and Steppe groups and re-emerging gene flow from the northeast. The correspondent labels and groupings are listed in Supplementary Table 5. c,d, Sankey diagram of genetic ancestry modelling for third millennium BC (c) and second millennium BC (d) individuals from this study based on temporally and geographically proximal sources. The admixture proportions (as percentages) are indicated on each ancestry flow, with sources on the left and target populations on the right, and P values for each model in brackets under the population names (Supplementary Tables 15 and 17). The suffixes in the group labels present archaeological time periods and geographical regions: MLBA, Middle–Late BA; BIA, Bronze–Iron Age; IA, Iron Age.
Post by Admin on Nov 12, 2024 19:58:53 GMT
Later MBA individuals associated with the North Caucasus culture (NCC; 2800–2400 cal BC, n = 12) and Catacomb culture (2800–2200 cal BC, n = 8) also fall within the cluster of Yamnaya-associated individuals in PCA (Fig. 3a), and f4-symmetry tests reveal only subtle genetic differences among them (Supplementary Table 14), which suggests genetic continuity. Indeed, Catacomb individuals can be modelled with Yamnaya_NC as a single, locally preceding source, whereas NCC individuals can be modelled only with Ukraine_Yamnaya instead (Supplementary Table 15). All Steppe groups from the third millennium BC overlap in their admixture date estimates, ranging from about 4800 BC to 4000 BC, and thus differ from the early Eneolithic formation of steppe-related ancestry, but coincide with the presence and early interaction of both Steppe and Caucasus Eneolithic groups north of the Caucasus (Supplementary Table 11).
A similar pattern of genetic continuity and homogenization is also observed in the Caucasus cluster. Individuals associated with the Kura–Araxes culture in Georgia (3600/3300–2400 cal BC, n = 6) fall close in PC space and ADMIXTURE with published Kura–Araxes individuals from Armenia and Dagestan, as well as Maykop individuals (Figs. 2b and 3a and Extended Data Fig. 2), suggesting continuity of the Caucasus ancestry profile during the MBA, but with heterogeneity20 among different Kura–Araxes groups (Supplementary Table 14). Using Maykop groups as a single source results in well-fitted models (from P = 0.09 to P = 0.7; Supplementary Table 15), with Maykop_Novosvobodnaya as the best source for Kura–Araxes individuals from Georgia and Armenia (Berkaber, Kalavan, Karnut and Shengavit), and Maykop as the best source for Talin (P = 0.2). By contrast, individuals from Kaps in Armenia or Velikent in Dagestan require additional ancestry from either Armenia_C or Iran_C, or both.
The Iran_BA individuals BOE001 (2861–2489 cal BC) and BOE003 (2881–2623 cal BC) fall close to those from the nearby Chalcolithic site Tepe Hissar11 on a Southwest Asian cline. f4-statistics indicate that Iran_BA has a higher genetic affinity with Chalcolithic groups from Anatolia and Kura–Araxes individuals from Karnut (Armenia), and ancestry modelling using qpAdm resulted in well-fitted models with Iran_TepeHissar_C and Kura–Araxes groups as sources (Supplementary Tables 14 and 15).
Post by Admin on Nov 13, 2024 18:47:50 GMT
Final MBA and LBA The final MBA (2200–1650 BC), represented by the post-Catacomb cultural horizon22 and LBA (1800–1200/1000 BC)23 phases, marks another period of increased population interaction and transformation, as evidenced by 33 new individuals from this period. The PC space previously occupied by Steppe cluster individuals is now largely void, with only four individuals of different genetic ancestries (KVO009, KNK006, ESY007 and ESY009) falling in this position. All other kurgan burials in the central steppe zone are shifted towards the Caucasus cluster owing to significantly increased affinity to South Caucasus populations (Z = 3.352; Fig. 3b and Supplementary Table 16). Consequently, these post-Catacomb individuals can be modelled successfully as a mixture of preceding Catacomb (79%) and Kura–Araxes (21%) groups (Fig. 3d and Supplementary Table 17).
Among contemporaneous Steppe populations, individuals of the Lola culture (n = 9) represent the predominant ancestry pattern, which falls close in PC space to earlier Steppe_Maykop individuals5 (Fig. 3b and Extended Data Fig. 2). We separate them into two groups (Lola_1 and Lola_2), on the basis of differing amounts of ANE ancestry indicated by PCA and f4-statistics (Supplementary Table 16). We next tested whether Lola represented a continuation of Steppe_Maykop ancestry that had returned to the North Caucasus, but find that models with Steppe_Maykop as a single ancestry source are rejected, whereas two-way mixtures of Steppe_Maykop and either NCC or Catacomb-associated ancestry are supported (Supplementary Table 17). Considering the 2,000-year time gap between Steppe_Maykop and Lola, we also tested multiple qpAdm models with North Caucasus MBA Steppe groups (for example, Catacomb or NCC) as the local substrate and central steppe Early and Middle BA11 groups as a non-local source of ANE ancestry,and find well-fitted models with Kazakhstan Kumsay EBA. The individual KVO013 from the Northwest Caucasus falls close in PC space to BA Srubnaya individuals from the eastern European forest steppe (Fig. 3b) and can be modelled as a mixture of preceding BA Sintashta11 and Steppe groups (Fig. 3d and Supplementary Table 17). The LBA Prescythian_steppe individuals ESY006, ESY007, ESY009 and KNK006 represent the last signal of local Steppe ancestry in the North Caucasus (Fig. 3b). However, f4-symmetry tests show that these individuals carry traces of ANE ancestry similar to Lola and Steppe_Maykop, and can be modelled as a two-way mixture of Srubnaya and Lola_1 ancestry (Supplementary Tables 16 and 17).
The final MBA and LBA individuals from the Caucasus cluster are markedly shifted upwards on PC2 towards the Steppe cluster (Fig. 3b). This marks the first time in which ancient individuals fall within the same PC space as present-day populations. Individuals from the western and eastern Caucasus highlands are spread along PC2, implying varying levels of admixture with the Steppe cluster (Fig. 3b and Extended Data Fig. 2). The individuals KVO008 (MBA_Caucasus) and PUT001 (Arkhon) carry similar ancestry profiles, suggesting that a convergence of both clusters might not have been restricted to the Caucasus highlands. Using f4-statistics, we find that most MBA and LBA individuals show an affinity to Steppe groups (Supplementary Table 16). Further, compared to the MBA_Highland_east group, KVO008 and PUT001 show an even higher genetic affinity to EHG–WSHG and BA Steppe groups, and both can be modelled successfully with Kura–Araxes as a proxy for Caucasus ancestry and BA Steppe groups as sources (Supplementary Tables 16 and 17). This two-way model is also supported for MBA and LBA eastern highland individuals, albeit with a higher proportion of Kura–Araxes-related ancestry, but can also be modelled with the preceding MBA_Highland_east group as a single source (Supplementary Table 17), implying that this gene flow had occurred already before the final MBA. Moreover, we observe a genetic cline from east to west, suggesting geographic structure in LBA highlander ancestry (Fig. 3b). Here, individuals from Shushuk and Marchenkova Gora in the northwest share more genetic drift with BA Srubnaya and Steppe groups compared to eastern individuals from Ginchi and Gatyn-Kale, which is consistent with the finding of the Srubnaya-associated individual KVO013 from the Northwest Caucasus (Figs. 1a and 3b). Western highlanders also show a greater genetic affinity with Maykop individuals, whereas eastern highlanders are more similar to Kura–Araxes individuals (Supplementary Table 16). Using Maykop and Kura–Araxes groups as the respective locally preceding ancestry source and Srubnaya as the second source resulted in well-fitted models (Supplementary Table 17). The five LBA individuals from the site of Lernakert in Armenia (1411–1266 cal BC) occupy a similar position in the PCA as the published MBA and LBA individuals from other sites in Armenia, suggesting local genetic continuity20,24. Using Armenia_MBA as the local baseline in f4-statistics and qpAdm, we find support for a single local source.
Post by Admin on Nov 15, 2024 17:41:04 GMT
Time transects and demographic snapshots The most conspicuous mortuary features on the Eurasian steppe are kurgans, earthen mounds that marked graves in the North Caucasus since the fifth millennium BC, throughout the BA and beyond. Kurgans were often built incrementally, spanning many centuries and cultural periods25, and thus provide a perspective on genetic continuity or discontinuity at individual sites. In many mounds, the deceased were buried in a non-continuous series of events. Previous research has assumed close genetic or genealogical relations between individuals buried in such mounds26. To test this, we estimated genetic relatedness between pairs of individuals. Among 105 individuals from 21 multi-burial kurgans5, we find 15 first- or second-degree relationships among all possible pairs (n = 5,460, 0.27%). Even when filtering for pairs from the same site (n = 272; 5.5%) or chrono-cultural overlap (n = 1,147; 1.3%), we find predominantly unrelated or only distantly related pairs (Supplementary Tables 3, 4 and 18). Moreover, we observe a significant sex ratio bias towards male burials in the Steppe (P = 0.035) but not in the Caucasus (P = 0.850; Extended Data Fig. 7) cluster. Overall, this suggests that kurgans were generally not pedigree- or lineage-based burial grounds.
The multiphase mounds of Komsomolec 1-Marfa (KMM) and Marinskaya 5 (MK5) represent two well-dated examples. Focusing on the primary EBA and MBA occupation phases, with 12 and 7 individuals, respectively, we observe shifting cultural and genetic affinities among individuals in chronological succession (Extended Data Fig. 8a,b). We find a Late_Maykop brother–sister pair at KMM, and a grandfather–grandson pair at MK55, whereas all other individuals associated with later cultures are unrelated.
Using ancIBD27, we estimated genetic relationships up to the sixth degree between all individuals from the Caucasus. We confirm the first-degree relationship between the Maykop individuals VIN001 and VS5001 from neighbouring mounds, and also identify more distant relationships (for example, between the grandfather–grandson pair at MK5 and the individual ESY005, buried 60 km apart; Extended Data Fig. 9 and Supplementary Table 18). However, we observe no shared identity by descent between Steppe and Caucasus cluster individuals in the entire dataset. Examining runs of homozygosity (ROH)28, we observe that Steppe cluster individuals have a higher number of short ROH tracts (4–8 cM and 8–12 cM) compared to Caucasus cluster individuals (Extended Data Fig. 10a,c), indicating a smaller effective population size of Steppe communities. We also detect five cases of consanguinity (ROH >20 cM) in Maykop_main individuals, including offspring of second-cousin unions (AY2001 and AY2003), a first-cousin union (ESY005 and SIJ003) and a full- or half-sibling union (VS5001; Extended Data Fig. 10b,d).